Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lecture 5 - Review

Microsoft and Apple

(a) Is there any problem with simply using the products that thse two companies create to us?

Yes, I think there are some problems when we use those products.
First, their software cannot be acceptable to each other. That means when you use Microsoft software, for example, a Microsoft excel file, you cannot use Apple's computer to open it. This is so inconvenient to the user.
Second, it takes long time to fix the problem. If you computer has some technical problems, it takes long time to report to microsoft/ apple.
Third, those programs might not be user-friendly. Some people say Microsoft products such as Vista contain 'bloatware' is unnecessary software that uses a lot of memory and makes the computer run slowly.

(b)Why do some people choose to use open-source software such as Linnx?

Some people choose to use open-source software, because:
1. it is more flexible to update the data/choose suitable programs.
2. it is no restriction/have freedom to change/ use/ share software/ increase functions.

According to wikipedia, open-source software has:
1. Free Redistribution
2. Source Code
3. Derived Works
4. Integrity of The Author's Source Code
5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor
7. Distribution of License
8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product
9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software
10. License Must Be Technology-Neutral

Since there is no any restriction to use it, some people choose to use software such as Linux.

(c)Who owns the right to modify your digital tools? Does it matter at all? Why or why not?
I think it based on the policy. If the software own by a company, we have no permission to modify it. However, if we use open source software, we have right to do it.


  1. If the software own by a company, we have no permission to modify it. <<< i like this sentence

  2. I agree. It always take a long time to report the problem. It seems that the company cannot help us to solve the problem efficiently.

    It is more clear about the open-source software after you have added the information about it. Thank you.

  3. agree, we cannot open th microsoft excel file in the mac computer, i think this is selfish, bacause the aim of using computer is to make our life becomes more convenient but not create problems for us!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. yayaya!!!!! I love your answer! And I can get sth from your points!thank you.

  5. yes,it is "amazing" why they are conflict with each other. poor progrmme~

  6. yes. we can download the open-source software.. it is more suitible for us as it can be change.. I always use it since it is free and more convenient for us.

  7. To Joyce:yes, becasue of the copyright.

    To Alison:
    Yes, i think so. Those problems are always reported to Microsoft, but I found that they cannot be solve.

    To Carol Shek: yes, it is so inconvenient and it forces us to use microsoft programs.

    To Christine:

    To Anna:I think so. However, i think i have no choice to choose program:(

  8. I think the users should have the rights to modify the software when the users have bought it.

  9. yes, i agree. For my own experience, i am a Micrisofe user, when i try to open some files through usb in Apple. I find it is quite difficult for me to just open a file, so it takes me time to find out how to use it. i.e. i have to learn how to use another software. Why can't i choose to install the software i like?I don't like Apple!!

  10. i agree your answer for the last question
    it just depends on people's choices of using which kinds of software, programe or system
