Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Information Revolution

Information Revolution


1. According to the short video, how have computer technologies changed the way that knowledge is stored, created and shared?
2. Is the picture that this video paints too bright and optimistic? Does it leave anything out?

In this video, it shows computer technologies changed the life style of people. In the past, if you want to find data/information, you need to take a long time to search from filing cabinet, take the number card and find another cabinnet. This action repeats and it really waste time.
However, these technologies improved the way of data searching,creating and storing. Nowadays, when we use the search engine, data can be found easily and it only take a few second.

I think the viewpoint of the video diector is neutral. In the video, it shows good and bad thing at the same time. For example, the video shows the tremendous speed of the search engine, it is convenient and it makes revolution. Meanwhile, it also brings bad effect, such as unreliable information and loss of privacy.

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