Monday, October 12, 2009

Screening of 'Mission of earth'

Screening of 'Mission of earth' (2003-2004)
by Lev Manovich
'Mission of earth' is a digital cinema.

According to the story outline, 'Inga is an alien who comes to Earth from twenty years behind Earth culturally and technologically. Mission to Earth is an allegoryof both the Cold war ear and of the contemporary immigrant experience that is so frequently the norm for inhabitants of 'global cities'. The film reminds us that, while hybrid identity is often celebrated as progressive, it also entails psychological trauma. '

Actually, I think this movie is quite boring because of the monotone, monotonous music and the boring story plots.

What is new or different between 'Mission to Earth" and tradtional ways of telling a story and constructing a film?

For example, the Mission to Earth used a special layout. In most parts of the film you will see both video clips and motion graphics clips appearing side by side. However, it usually only have a video clip at the same time.
The motion graphics correspond with videos but they are also independent. They form a parallel film that follows the same narrative but visualizes its themes and the characters's interfeeling at the same time.
The movie remind me of Mondrian because the whole movie looks likes a Combination of many boxes/ grid squares. It uses simple colours, sketchy lines to form it.

Piet Mondrian, Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow, 1930

Sources from: -On Soft Cinema (accessed Oct 11, 2009)

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